U bent hier:


At SKITS we cycle the whole year! 


We welcome all students, no matter what your level is, from beginner to national top-level. As an international student you have several possibilities to master your cyling skills during trainings and discover the pleasures of beautiful Amsterdam and its surroundings. 

To participate in the training you have several possibilities. First of all, you can become a member of SKITS. Then you are allowed to participate in any training you would like, including the Social Cycle! 

We also offer 6-ride card. You can buy this card if you are a student and would like to try cycling. The card costs 20 euros. For more information and to buy one you can find right here

Lastly, we offer a membership for half a season. This means that you can train with us until the summer vacation. This type of membership costs 45 euros. More information and to buy the membership you can find right here. 

Social Cycle 

The main (social) training of the week takes place on Monday evening. The training starts at 6:00 pm from the Riekermolen. The Social Cycle training is open to cyclists of all levels. Bear in mind, that you need to have some kind of experience with cycling in groups. 

After 1,5 hour we will return to Sportcentrum VU, this is where the Social ends at the sportscenter of the VU University where we'll have a nice meal together. You can sign up for dinner through this website (Leden -> inschrijven voor activiteiten). Make sure to do so before Sunday 17.00. 

If you need to lend a bike please send kees@skits.nl an email.


SKITS offers 5 workouts a week, on set times and days, which you can always join as a SKITS member. All workouts are open to cyclists of all levels.
If you like to participate at the trainig, please send an email to trainer Kees: Kees@SKITS.nl

The training schedule:

Day Time Training Level Location

Deadline to subscribe

Monday 18.30 - 22.00h Social CYCLE (only SKITS members) Experienced level Riekermolen Sunday 17:00
Tuesday 19:00-20:30h Summercursus: Inflow-progression training All levels USC Universum Tuesday 15:00
Thursday 18.30-20.30h Racing Training Experienced level


Thursday 15:00
Friday 9.00 - 10.30h Summercursus: Inflow-progression training All levels Sportcentrum VU

Thursday 23:59

Saturday 10:00 - 13:00h WeekendMIX Experienced level Alternately Riekermolen and Flevoparkbad

Don't have a road bike of your own?

It's possible to lent a bike for a workout, please contact trainer Kees to reserve one (mail to Kees@SKITS.nl or call/text to 06-21275720).

Do you have any other questions about cycling at SKITS? 

Contact our cycling commissioner by emailing at bestuur@skits.nl
